24 de junho de 2013 Izabel GavinhoNotícias

USA – pesquisadores identificaram em camundongos com distrofia muscular uma significativa redução da expressão do gene gene nuclear gama relacionado a estrógenos. O aumento da expressão deste gene em camundongos promoveu uma melhora da tolerância ao exercício e redução de alterações patológicas. Apesar de não haver nenhuma alteração da expressão das proteínas da membrana muscular houve uma redução do stress oxidativo e aumento da angiogênese, Drogas que aumentem a expressão do gene gene nuclear gama relacionado a estrógenos poderiam retardar a evolução da doença.

O resumo em inglês pode ser lido abaixo:

(FASEB J, Jun 2013; 10.1096/fj.13-228296) Muscle ERR mitigates Duchenne muscular dystrophy via metabolic and angiogenic reprogramming

Antonios Matsakas, Vikas Yadav, Sabina Lorca, and Vihang Narkar -USA

Treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) by replacing mutant dystrophin or restoring dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex (DAG) has been clinically challenging. Instead, identifying and targeting muscle pathways deregulated in DMD will provide new therapeutic avenues. We report that the expression of nuclear receptor estrogen-related receptor-γ (ERRγ), and its metabolic and angiogenic targets are down-regulated (50–85%) in skeletal muscles of mdx mice (DMD model) vs. wild-type mice. Corelatively, oxidative myofibers, muscle vasculature, and exercise tolerance (33%) are decreased in mdx vs. wild-type mice. Overexpressing ERRγ selectively in the dystrophic muscles of the mdx mice restored metabolic and angiogenic gene expression compared with control mdx mice. Further, ERRγ enhanced muscle oxidative myofibers, vasculature, and blood flow (by 33–66%) and improved exercise tolerance (by 75%) in the dystrophic mice. Restoring muscle ERRγ pathway ameliorated muscle damage and also prevented DMD hallmarks of postexercise muscle damage, hypoxia, and fatigue in mdx mice. Notably, ERRγ did not restore sarcolemmal DAG complex, which is thus dispensable for antidystrophic effects of ERRγ. In summary, ERRγ-dependent metabolic and angiogenic gene program is defective in DMD, and we demonstrate that its restoration is a potential strategy for treating muscular dystrophy.

24 de junho de 2013 Izabel GavinhoNotícias

Taiwan – 15 crianças com doença neuromuscular e que apresentavam insuficiência respiratória em UTI foram incluidas neste estudo ( uma das crianças com duas internações); elas receberam ventilação não invasiva e assistência mecanica a tosse (mechanical in-exsufflator). A causa mais freuqnete da insuficiência respiratória foi a pneumonia. O sucesso, isto é, a ausência de intubação, foi obtida em 75% dos casos, incluindo 6 (38%) que assinaram termo para não serem intubados. Os parâmetros de função pulmonar melhoraram nos pacientes. Os autores concluem que a associação entre ventilação não-invasiva e assistência mecânica a tosse é segura e eficaz melhorando os parâmetros funcionais respiratórios em pacientes com doença neuromuscular e insuficiência respiratória.

IMPORTANTE: a prevenção de infecções é fundamental em pacientes com doenças neuromusculares, especialmente coma vacinação contra a gripe e pneumonia. O uso de assistência mecânica a tosse ajuda importantemente na recuperação dos pacientes que já aprsentam infecção. O aparelho ainda não foi incluído na portaria de assistência ventilatória nas doenças neuromusculares.

Leiam mais sobre o artigo aqui.

16 de junho de 2013 Izabel GavinhoNotícias

Itália – A inflamação desempenha um papel crucial na remodelação e reparação muscular após a lesão aguda e crónica, em particular no distrofias musculares, um grupo heterogêneo de doenças genéticas que levam à degeneração muscular. Defeito da geração de óxido nítrico (NO) é um evento-chave na patogënese das distrofias musculares, portanto, doadores têm sido explorados como novas terapêuticas para esta doença. Os autores investigaram o efeito imuno-modulador de uma dessas drogas, molsidomina, capazes de retardar a progressão da distrofia muscular em camundongos com distrofia tipo cinturas A molsidomina já foi liberada para uso em seres humanos. Os animais tratados apresentaram menor processo inflamatório e reduzida fibrose muscular com o tratamento.

O resumo em inglês pode ser lido abaixo:

(European Journal of Pharmacology, 2013) The Nitric Oxide-donor molsidomine modulates the innate inflammatory response in a mouse model of muscular dystrophy

Paola Zordan, Clara Sciorati, Lara Campana, Lucia Cottone, Emilio Clementi, Patrizia-Rovere Querini, Silvia Brunell

Inflammation plays a crucial role in muscle remodelling and repair after acute and chronic damage, in particular in muscular dystrophies, a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases leading to muscular degeneration. Defect of nitric oxide (NO) generation is a key pathogenic event in muscular dystrophies, thus NO donors have been explored as new therapeutics for this disease. We have investigated the immune-modulating effect of one of such drugs, molsidomine, able to slow the progression of muscular dystrophy in the α-Sarcoglican-null mice a model for the limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2D, sharing several hallmarks of muscle degeneration with other muscular dystrophies. α-Sarcoglican-null mice were treated with molsidomine and drug effects on the inflammatory infiltrates and on muscle repair, were assessed at selected time points. We found that molsidomine treatment modulates effectively the characteristics of the inflammatory infiltrate within dystrophic muscles, enhancing its healing function. Initially molsidomine amplified macrophage recruitment, promoting a more efficient clearance of cell debris and effective tissue regeneration. At a later stage molsidomine decreased significantly the extent of the inflammatory infiltrate, whose persistence exacerbates muscle damage: most the remaining macrophages displayed characteristics of transitional population, associated with reduced fibrosis and increased preservation of the muscle tissue. The dual action of molsidomine, the already known NO donation and the immunomodulatory function we now identified, suggests that it has a unique potential in tissue healing of chronic muscle damage. This, alongside its already approved use in human, make of molsidomine a drug with a significant therapeutic potential in muscular dystrophies.

16 de junho de 2013 Izabel GavinhoNotícias

USA – 57 pacientes com insuficiência respiratória crônica devido a doenças neuromusculares foram incluídos neste estudo na primeira consulta médica. Setenta e cinco por cento apresentavam níveis baixos de vitamina D. Os níveis variaram dependendo do tipo de dieta empregada. Aqueles que recebiam dieta enteral apresentavam níveis de vitamina D mais elevado.

O resumo em inglês pode ser lido abaixo:

(JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, Jun 2013) Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients With Neuromuscular Diseases With Chronic Respiratory Failure

Sridhar Badireddi, Anita J. Bercher, Jason B. Holder, and Eduardo Mireles-Cabodevila

Background: The prevalence and clinical implications of vitamin D deficiency have never been studied in patients with underlying neuromuscular diseases complicated with chronic respiratory failure. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency, its relationship with other bone markers, and mode of nutrition. Materials and Methods: Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) levels along with calcium, serum albumin, and phosphorus levels were obtained from 57 patients with chronic respiratory failure due to underlying neuromuscular diseases. These levels were obtained during their first visit to a chronic respiratory diseases clinic. Data with regard to nutrition, respiratory muscle function, and level of mobility were also obtained at the same time. Results: Seventy-five percent of patients had serum 25(OH)D levels ≤30 ng/mL. There is a negative correlation between parathyroid hormone and 25(OH)D levels (P = .006) and corrected calcium levels (P = .066). Serum 25(OH)D levels varied with the mode of nutrition. Patients on enteral nutrition had the highest serum levels of 25(OH)D, whereas combined oral and tube feeds had the lowest 25(OH)D levels (P = .006). Conclusion: Low serum 25(OH)D levels are highly prevalent in patients with neuromuscular disease and chronic respiratory failure. The route of nutrition has an impact on these levels.

Fonte: http://distrofiamuscular.net/noticias.htm


16 de junho de 2013 Izabel GavinhoNotícias

Reino Unido – neste artigo o Dr. V. Dubowitz faz uma análise do uso de cortícoides em Duchenne desde a primeira publicação há cerca de 39 anos. Pode-se perceber a evolução das evidências de que os corticóides podem retardar a evolução da doença e que se constituem no tratamento preconizado para todos os pacientes com esta forma de distrofia. Ele também sugere que as evidências apontam para os benefícios do uso destas drogas numa faixa etária mais jovem, dos 3 aos 5 anos e que estudos clínicos devem ser feitos para comprovar estes resultados num grupo maior de pacientes..

Leiam mais sobre o artigo aqui.

29 de maio de 2013 Izabel GavinhoNotícias

Itália – A inflamação desempenha um papel crucial na remodelação e reparação muscular após a lesão aguda e crónica, em particular no distrofias musculares, um grupo heterogêneo de doenças genéticas que levam à degeneração muscular. Defeito da geração de óxido nítrico (NO) é um evento-chave na patogënese das distrofias musculares, portanto, doadores têm sido explorados como novas terapêuticas para esta doença. Os autores investigaram o efeito imuno-modulador de uma dessas drogas, molsidomina, capazes de retardar a progressão da distrofia muscular em camundongos com distrofia tipo cinturas A molsidomina já foi liberada para uso em seres humanos. Os animais tratados apresentaram menor processo inflamatório e reduzida fibrose muscular com o tratamento.

O resumo em inglês pode ser lido abaixo:

(European Journal of Pharmacology, 2013) The Nitric Oxide-donor molsidomine modulates the innate inflammatory response in a mouse model of muscular dystrophy

Paola Zordan, Clara Sciorati, Lara Campana, Lucia Cottone, Emilio Clementi, Patrizia-Rovere Querini, Silvia Brunell

Inflammation plays a crucial role in muscle remodelling and repair after acute and chronic damage, in particular in muscular dystrophies, a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases leading to muscular degeneration. Defect of nitric oxide (NO) generation is a key pathogenic event in muscular dystrophies, thus NO donors have been explored as new therapeutics for this disease. We have investigated the immune-modulating effect of one of such drugs, molsidomine, able to slow the progression of muscular dystrophy in the α-Sarcoglican-null mice a model for the limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2D, sharing several hallmarks of muscle degeneration with other muscular dystrophies. α-Sarcoglican-null mice were treated with molsidomine and drug effects on the inflammatory infiltrates and on muscle repair, were assessed at selected time points. We found that molsidomine treatment modulates effectively the characteristics of the inflammatory infiltrate within dystrophic muscles, enhancing its healing function. Initially molsidomine amplified macrophage recruitment, promoting a more efficient clearance of cell debris and effective tissue regeneration. At a later stage molsidomine decreased significantly the extent of the inflammatory infiltrate, whose persistence exacerbates muscle damage: most the remaining macrophages displayed characteristics of transitional population, associated with reduced fibrosis and increased preservation of the muscle tissue. The dual action of molsidomine, the already known NO donation and the immunomodulatory function we now identified, suggests that it has a unique potential in tissue healing of chronic muscle damage. This, alongside its already approved use in human, make of molsidomine a drug with a significant therapeutic potential in muscular dystrophies.

Fonte: http://distrofiamuscular.net/noticias

29 de maio de 2013 Izabel GavinhoNotícias

Holanda – Quarenta e oito pacientes com distrofia muscular de Becker foram incluídos, o que representa 11 mutações diferentes. As alterações genéticas que eles apresentam serão as mesmas que os pacientes que se submeteram ou se submeterão ao salto de exon A idade média dos pacientes foi de 43 anos (variação 6-67). Nove pacientes eram usuários de cadeiras de rodas (26-56 anos). Cardiomiopatia dilatada estava presente em 7/36 pacientes. Apenas um paciente utilizava suporte ventilatório. Três pacientes morreram com a idade de 45, 50 e 76 anos, respectivamente. Portanto a severidade da distrofia muscular será amenizada com o uso de oligonucleotideos para salto de exon.

O resumo em inglês pode ser lido abaixo:

(J Neurol Psychiatry, May 2013) Clinical characterisation of Becker muscular dystrophy patients predicts favourable outcome in exon-skipping therapy

J C van den Bergen, S M Schade van Westrum, L Dekker, A J van der Kooi, M de Visser, B H A Wokke, C S Straathof, M A Hulsker, A Aartsma-Rus, J J Verschuuren, and H B Ginjaar


Objective Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD/BMD) are both caused by mutations in the DMD gene. Out-of-frame mutations in DMD lead to absence of the dystrophin protein, while in-frame BMD mutations cause production of internally deleted dystrophin. Clinically, patients with DMD loose ambulance around the age of 12, need ventilatory support at their late teens and die in their third or fourth decade due to pulmonary or cardiac failure. BMD has a more variable disease course. The disease course of patients with BMD with specific mutations could be very informative to predict the outcome of the exon-skipping therapy, aiming to restore the reading-frame in patients with DMD.

Methods Patients with BMD with a mutation equalling a DMD mutation after successful exon skipping were selected from the Dutch Dystrophinopathy Database. Information about disease course was gathered through a standardised questionnaire. Cardiac data were collected from medical correspondence and a previous study on cardiac function in BMD

Results Forty-eight patients were included, representing 11 different mutations. Median age of patients was 43 years (range 6–67). Nine patients were wheelchair users (26–56 years). Dilated cardiomyopathy was present in 7/36 patients. Only one patient used ventilatory support. Three patients had died at the age of 45, 50 and 76 years, respectively

Conclusions This study provides mutation specific data on the course of disease in patients with BMD. It shows that the disease course of patients with BMD, with a mutation equalling a ‘skipped’ DMD mutation is relatively mild. This finding strongly supports the potential benefit of exon skipping in patients with DMD.

29 de maio de 2013 Izabel GavinhoNotícias

Grécia – os autores descrevem um caso de distrofia de Becker, com cardiomiopatia e que apesar da medicação correta não estava compensado do ponto de vista cardíaco. Internado, ele foi submetido a instalação de um cardioversor-desfibrilador interno com sincronização dos ventrículos, resultando no aumento da função cardíaca e controle da doença.

Leiam mais sobre o artigo aqui

12 de maio de 2013 Izabel GavinhoNotícias

Itália – o ibuprofeno é um anti-inflamatório não hormonal bastante utilizado. O dinitrato de isosorbida é usado no tratamento de doenças cardíacas como a angina. O uso em conjunto destas drogas reduziu as alteraçoes patológicas do músculo cardíaco de camundongos com distrofia muscular.

O resumo em inglês pode ser lido abaixo:

(Pharmacological Research, 2013) Ibuprofen plus Isosorbide Dinitrate treatment in the mdx mice ameliorates dystrophic heart structure

Clara Sciorati, Lidia Staszewsky, Vanessa Zambelli, Ilaria Russo, Monica Salio, Deborah Novelli, Giuseppe Di Grigoli, Rosa Maria Moresco, Emilio Clementi, Roberto Latini


Co-administration of ibuprofen (IBU) and isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) provides synergistic beneficial effects on dystrophic skeletal muscle. Whether this treatment has also cardioprotective effects in this disease was still unknown. Aims: to evaluate the effects of co-administration of IBU and ISDN (a) on left ventricular (LV) structure and function, and (b) on cardiac inflammatory response and fibrosis in mdx mice.

Three groups of mice were studied: mdx mice treated with IBU (50 mg kg−1) + ISDN (30 mg kg−1) administered daily in the diet, mdx mice that received standard diet without drugs and wild type aged-matched mice. Animals were analysed after 10-11 months of treatment. Structural and functional parameters were evaluated by echocardiography while histological analyses were performed to evaluate inflammatory response, collagen deposition, cardiomyocyte number and area.

Treatment for 10-11 months with IBU + ISDN preserved LV wall thickness and LV mass. Drug treatment also preserved the total number of cardiomyocytes in the LV and attenuated the increase in cardiomyocyte size, when compared to untreated mdx mice. Moreover, a trend towards a decreased number of inflammatory cells, a reduced LV myocardial interstitial fibrosis and an enhanced global LV function response to stress was observed in treated mdx mice.

Treatment for 10-11 months with IBU + ISDN is effective in preventing the alterations in LV morphology of mdx mice while not reaching statistical significance on LV function and cardiac inflammation.

Fonte: http://distrofiamuscular.net/noticias.htm

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