USA – O uso de células tronco pode ser uma possibilidade no tratamento das distrofias. Células tronco de origem muscular já foram transplantadas em camundongos por via venosa com distrofia muscular com poucas células expressando a distrofina. Neste estudo as células foram injetadas em artérias. Com este tratamento houve um aumento da expressão(5-8%) e foi possível demonstrar que estas células se diferenciaram em músculos. Este estudo é mais um passo na busca de uma melhor alternativa para o tratamento da distrofia muscular com células tronco.

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Itália – a TGF-1 é uma citocina relacionada a fibrose; o seu bloqueio poderia auxliar no tratamento da distrofia muscular de Duchenne; neste estudo em camundongos o bloqueio da TGF-beta 1 com anticorpos causou uma melhora da alterações musculares o que foi um efeito positivo; no entanto eles observaram um aumento das células inflamatórias, o que poderia ser prejudicial e não era um efeito previsto e que não pode ser explicado. O resumo em inglês do artigo que será publicado em breve pode ser lido abaixo:

(IN PRESS: Journal of Neuroimmunology 2006) Immunomodulation of TGF-beta1 in mdx mouse inhibits connective tissue proliferation in diaphragm but increases inflammatory response: Implications for antifibrotic therapy

Francesca Andreetta, Pia Bernasconi, Fulvio Baggi, Paolo Ferro, Laura Oliva, Elisa Arnoldi, Ferdinando Cornelio, Renato Mantegazza, Paolo Confalonieri – Italy

Irreversible connective tissue proliferation in muscle is a pathological hallmark of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a genetic degenerative muscle disease due to lack of the sarcolemmal protein dystrophin. Focal release of transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-h1) is involved in fibrosis development. Murine muscular dystrophy (mdx) is genetically homologous to DMD and histopathological alterations comparable to those in DMD muscles occur in diaphragm of older mdx mice. To investigate the early development of fibrosis and TGF-h1 involvement, we assessed diaphragms in 6–36-week-old mdx and C57/BL6 (control) mice for fibrosis, and used real-time PCR and ELISA to determine TGF-h1 expression. Significantly greater fibrosis and TGF-h1 expression were found in mdx from the 6th week. Mice treated with neutralizing antibody against TGF-h1 had lower levels of TGF-h1 protein, reduced fibrosis, unchanged muscles fiber degeneration/ regeneration, but increased inflammatory cells (CD4+lymphocytes). These data demonstrate early and progressive fibrosis in mdx diaphragm accompanied by TGF-h1 upregulation. Reduction of TGF-h1 appears promising as a therapeutic approach to muscle fibrosis, but further studies are required to evaluate long term effects of TGF-h1 immunomodulation on the immune system.


Coréia – os músculos inspiratórios e expiratórios são fundamentais para que a tosse seja efetiva na distrofia muscular de Duchenne. Neste estudo os autores correlacionam a força dos músculos inspiratórios e a capacidade de tosse. Os resultados demonstraram que a máxima pressão inspiratória e a máxima pressão expiratória que são marcadores da capacidade dos músculos respiratórios podem ser paramêtros a serem considerados na avaliação da capacidade de tosse na distrofia muscular de Duchenne.

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Holanda – 25 meninos holandeses com distrofia muscular de Duchenne, média de 10,1 anos foram estudados. Cinco deles apresentaram alterações severas de leitura e 5 tinham alterações moderadas de leitura. Este estudo sugere que alterações de leitura são mais frequentes na distrofia muscular de Duchenne que na população em geral. O resumo em inglês deste artigo pode ser lido abaixo:

(IN PRESS: Pediatr Neurol 2006;34:296-300) Are Males With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy at Risk for Reading Disabilities?

Jos G.M. Hendriksen, and Johan S.H. Vles, PhD – The Netherlands

Males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy have subaverage cognitive capacities and may manifest more specifically language-related deficits. In the current study, the information-processing capacity, reading performance, and behavioral functioning of 25 Dutch males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (mean age 10.1 years) were systematically assessed. This study relied on the use of a new battery of tests to explore more precisely reading disabilities in males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Five of the males had serious reading problems and another five had moderate reading problems, which indicates that reading problems are significantly more common in males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy than in males from a normal population. These reading problems were independent of the level of information processing and behavioral functioning. Implications of these findings and possible directions for future research are discussed, especially with regard to the early detection and treatment of reading problems in males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.


Austrália – estudos prévios com camundongos geneticamente modificados para superexpressão do Igf-1 apresentam aumento da força muscular. Neste estudo o Igf-1 foi administrado sistemicamente para camundongos com distrofia muscular. Com este tratamento houve aumento do status oxidativo, observado pela atividade enzimática, e redução das alterações patológicas do músculo. O resumo em inglês pode ser lido abaixo:

(IN PRESS: Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab – April 18, 2006) Systemic administration of IGF-I enhances oxidative status and reduces contraction-induced injury in skeletal muscles of mdx dystrophic mice

Jonathan D. Schertzer, James G. Ryall, and Gordon S Lynch – Australia

The absence of dystrophin and resultant disruption of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex renders skeletal muscles of dystrophic patients and dystrophic mdx mice susceptible to contraction-induced injury. Strategies to reduce contraction-induced injury are of critical importance because this mode of damage contributes to the etiology of myofiber breakdown in the dystrophic pathology. Transgenic over-expression of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) causes myofiber hypertrophy, increases force production, and can improve the dystrophic pathology in mdx mice. In contrast, the predominant effect of continuous exogenous administration of IGF-I to mdx mice at a low dose (1.0-1.5 mg/kg/day) is a shift in muscle phenotype from fast glycolytic toward a more oxidative, fatigue resistant, slow muscle without alterations in myofiber cross sectional area, muscle mass or maximum force producing capacity. We found that exogenous administration of IGF-I to mdx mice increased myofiber succinate dehydrogenase activity, shifted the overall myosin heavy chain isoform composition toward a slower phenotype, and most importantly, reduced contraction-induced damage in tibialis anterior (TA) muscles. The deficit in force producing capacity after two damaging lengthening contractions was reduced significantly in TA muscles of IGF-I treated (53 ± 4%) compared with untreated mdx mice (70 ± 5%, P < 0.05). The results provide further evidence that IGF-I administration can enhance the functional properties of dystrophic skeletal muscle and, when compared to results in transgenic mice or viral-mediated over-expression, highlight the disparities in different models of endocrine factor delivery.


Reino Unido – três artigos sobre a coluna na distrofia muscular de Duchenne estão nesta edição da Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.

No primeiro os autores estudaram a função pulmonar a longo prazo após a cirurgia de escoliose. Eles observaram uma perda progressiva da função pulmonar mas em uma velocidade menor a observada antes da cirugia.

No segundo artigo eles analisaram a densitometria óssea da coluna em pacientes que iriam se submeter a cirurgia de escoliose e observaram que os pacientes com doença neuromuscular apresentam mais osteoporose do que os que apresentam escoliose por outras causas.

No terceiro artigo os autores descrevem uma nova técnica para correção da escoliose que poderia ter vantagens em relação a técnica convencional (menor tempo de cirurgia e menor sangramento). Os resumos em inglês dos três artigos pode ser lido abaixo:

1 )(IN PRESS: Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery – British Volume, Orthopaedic Proceedings Vol 88-B, Issue SUPP II, 228, 2006) SCOLIOSIS SURGERY IN DUCHENNE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY: THE EFFECT ON RESPIRATORY FUNCTION

P.M. Whittingham-Jones, S. Molloy, G. Edge and J. Lehovsky – UK

Background: There are conflicting reports regarding the effect of scoliosis surgery on respiratory function in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)1,2. Galasko et al2 found that the Percentage Predicted Forced Vital Capacity (%PFVC), remained static for thirty six months following surgery, in patients with DMD that underwent spinal stabilisation for scoliosis. The aim of the current study was to support or refute the above finding in a large series of patients with DMD.

Methods: A retrospective analysis of data on 55 consecutive patients with DMD that underwent single stage posterior surgical correction for scoliosis. We analysed the data of 55 boys with DMD who underwent scoliosis surgery between 1990 and 2002. Age at surgery, pre-operative Cobb angles, pre-operative %PFVC, and post-operative %PFVC at 6 months, 12-18 months and 2–3 years were collected. We documented the pre-operative Cobb angle ± SD to assess the difficulty level of our surgical cases. Percentage PFVC was used as our outcome measure to assess respiratory function. The mean pre-operative %PFVC was compared to the post –operative mean %PFVC at three different time intervals; at 6 months, 12 to 18 months and at 2 to 3 years.

Results: The mean age was 14.6 years (range 11.2–18yrs). The mean pre-operative Cobb angle was 65.4 degrees ± 14.8. The mean %PFVC pre-operatively was 33.9 ± 10.4. The mean post-operative %PFVC’s were: 6 months (29.1 ± 10.4), 12 to 18 months (27.6 ± 12.1) and 2 to 3 years (25.4 ± 8.7). Therefore the mean % PFVC following surgery at 6 months, 12 to 18 months and 2 to 3 years decreased from the mean pre-operative % PFVC by 4.8%, 6.3% and 8.5% respectively.

Conclusion: The natural history of patients with DMD is a gradual decline in respiratory function. In the current study the mean post –operative %PFVC was less than the mean pre-operative %PFVC at 6 months, 12 to 18 months and at 2 to 3 years post surgery. Our series would suggest that respiratory function declines post-operatively, even in the short term, in patients with DMD that undergo spinal stabilisation. The decline in respiratory function in our study was progressive over the 3 year follow up period.

2) (IN PRESS: Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery – British Volume, Orthopaedic Proceedings Vol 88-B, Issue SUPP II, 232, 2006) BONE DENSITOMETRY IN PATIENTS WITH DIFFERENT TYPES SCOLIOSIS

M Al-Maiyah, J Mehta, D Fender and M J Gibson – UK

Background: To evaluate bone mineral density in patients with scoliosis of different causes and compare it to the expected values for the age, gender and body mass.

Methods: A Prospective, observational case series. From October 2003 to December 2004, Bone Mineral Density (BMD) of patients with different types of Scoliosis was recorded. Patients listed for corrective spinal surgery in our institute were included in the study (Total of 68 patients). BMD on lumbar spine and whole body was measured by DXA scan and recorded in form of Z-scores. Z-scores = number of Standard Deviations (SD) above or below age matched norms; it is age and gender specific standard deviation scores. Data collected using the same DXA scan equipment and software.

There were 29 patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and 7 patients with congenital or infantile scoliosis. Z-scores from patients with neuromuscular scoliosis also included, 10 patients with cerebral palsy and 11 with muscular dystrophies (mainly Duchenne MD). There were also 3 patients with Neurofbromatosis and 8 patients with other conditions (miscellaneous). Outcome measures were bone mineral density in patients with different types of scoliosis in form of Z-scores.

Results: Bone mineral density was significantly lower than normal for the age, gender and body mass in all patients with neuromuscular scoliosis; whole body z-score in group with cerebral palsy was –1.00 and –1.30 in muscular dystrophies group. Lumbar spine BMD was even lower in lumbar spine, mean z-score, – 4.51 in cerebral palsy and –2.36 in muscular dystrophies (mainly Duchenne MD). In idiopathic Scoliosis group mean BMD was markedly lower than normal for the age, gender and body mass, mean z-score = – 1.87, however whole body BMD was within the normal range, mean z-score = +0.124. Similar results were found in congenital and infantile scoliosis group, mean lumber z-score= – 1.36 and whole body z-score, – 0.30. In patients with neurofibromatosis, there were low BMD on spine, mean z-score was –1.19 while whole body z-score was + 0.19. In group of patients with other miscellaneous causes of scoliosis or syndromic scoliosis lumbar mean z-score= –2.22 and whole body mean z-score was –1.67.

Conclusion: This study showed that BMD on spine was lower than normal for the age, gender and body mass in all patients with scoliosis and the condition was even worse in neuromuscular and sydromic scoliosis. There was no correlation between spine BMD and whole body BMD. Spine BMD was lower than normal in almost all patients even when whole body BMD was within normal range. Thus we believe that DXA scan is a useful adjunct in the preoperative assessment of scoliotic patients prior to spinal surgery

3) (IN PRESS: Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery – British Volume, Orthopaedic Proceedings Vol 88-B, Issue SUPP II, 269, 2006) EVALUATION OF SINGLE ROD FUSION TECHNIQUE FOR SCOLIOSIS SECONDARY TO DUCHENNE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY.

R Gul, D Farah, M Murphy, J Lunn and D McCormack – Dublin

Introduction: Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive sex linked recessive disease, predominantly involving skeletal muscle. Scoliosis is almost universal in patients with DMD. Surgical stabilization carries a significant risks and complications with peroperative mortality of <6%. Cardiopulmonary complications along with severe intraoperative blood loss requiring massive blood transfusion are the major cause of morbidity

Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of single rod fusion technique in reducing the peroperative and post operative complications especially blood loss, duration of surgery and progression of curve

Material & Methods: Retrospective review – 14 patients with scoliosis secondary to DMD with an average age of 14.5 years (range, 11–17) underwent single rod fusion technique using Isola rod system and pelvic was not included in fixation. Blood loss was measured directly from the peroperative suction and post operative drainage, indirectly by weighing the swabs. Vapour free hypotensive anesthesia was used in all case. Progression of curve was monitored over a period of five years.

Results: The mean operative time was 110 min (range, 80 – 180). The average blood loss was 1.6L (range, 0.7 – 5). The mean follow up was 32 months (range, 4 – 60). There was no progression noticed in the curve on follow up. Two patients develop complications, one had loosening & migration of the rod, required revision and superficial wound infection treated with intravenous antibiotics.

Conclusion: In our experience, single rod stabilization is a safe and quick method of stabilizing the spine in DMD with less blood loss and complications compared to traditional methods.


Itália – nesta revisão os autores relatam as manifestações do aparelho digestório dos portadores de distrofia miotônica. As manifestações digestivas podem ser de vários tipos desde dificuldade para engolir, queimação no estômago, até alterações intestinais. Os sintomas digestórios podem preceder os sintomas musculares e não há relação entre os sintomas do aparelho digestório ea intensidade das alterações musculares. O importante é que estes sintomas podem ser tratados da mesma forma que são tratados nas pessoas que não tem distrofia.

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França – pesquisas tem demonstrado feito positivo da glutamina, um aminoácido, no tratamento da distrofia muscular de Duchenne; neste estudo a glutamina foi administrada por apenas 10 dias em meninos com Duchenne e houve uma significante redução da quebra das proteínas do organismo. Não é possível prever se este efeito se manteria por mais tempo se a droga fosse dada por tempo prolongado. Mas é mais uma evidência em favor do uso da glutamina no tratamento da doença.

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