Avaliação da densitometria óssea da face lateral e distal do fêmur em distrofia muscular de Duchenne

29 de setembro de 2007 by Izabel Gavinho

USA – a osteoporose é uma complicação das distrofias e do uso de corticóides. Neste estudo os autores decidiram estudar a densitometria óssea da parte mais inferior do fêmur em paciente com distrofia muscular de Duchenne. Em geral a densitometria óssea estuda a coluna lombar e a parte mais superior do fêmur. Os resultados demonstram que a densitometria na parte mais inferior do fêmur se relaciona melhor com a capacidade de deambulação e as fraturas do que a densitometria convencional. O resumo do trabalho em inglês pode ser lido abaixo:

(IN PRESS:Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease 8(1):1-6, 2006) Assessment of Bone Mineral Density in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Using the Lateral Distal Femur

Harcke, H Theodore; Kecskemethy, Heidi H RD; Conklin, Dolores BA; Scavina, Mena; Mackenzie, William G; McKay, Charles P – USA

Objectives: To document lateral distal femur (LDF) bone mineral density (BMD) values in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and to examine the potential for these measures to aid in their care.
Methods: Forty-seven boys with DMD had a total of 82 studies of BMD at multiple sites (whole body, lumbar spine, distal femur). Measures were converted to age-adjusted z-scores and analyzed for ambulatory status, steroid use, and fracture history.
Results: Bone mineral density z-scores were significantly lower in the whole body and LDF in children who were partially ambulatory and nonambulatory when compared with children who were always ambulatory. With a positive history of fracture, mean LDF z-scores were significantly lower when compared with mean z-scores of children with no fractures. Lateral distal femur BMD correlated with ambulation and fracture better than whole body and lumbar spine BMD.
Conclusions: The LDF is recommended as a more sensitive alternative to lumbar spine for measure of BMD in children with DMD.

Fonte: http://www.distrofiamuscular.net/noticias.htm

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