Potencial miogênico das células tronco do tecido adiposo
Itália – os autores descrevem a propriedade das células tronco do tecido adiposo em se transformar em tecido muscular. Estas células a fresco tem potencial em se transformar em células muscular expontaneamente. Se elas forem cultivadas com mioblastos este potencial aumenta, em especial se forem colocadas no mesmo recipiente. Alem disso em camundongos com distrofia muscular estas células tem a capacidade de regenerar as fibras musculares e restaurar a expressão da distrofina. O resumo em inglês do artigo pode ser lido abaixo:
(IN PRESS: J. Cell Sci., Jul 2006; 119: 2945 – 2952) Myogenic potential of adipose-tissue-derived cells
Giuliana Di Rocco, Maria Grazia Iachininoto, Alessandra Tritarelli, Stefania Straino, Antonella
Zacheo, Antonia Germani, Filippo Crea and Maurizio C. Capogrossi – Italy
Adipose-tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells can be directed towards a myogenic phenotype in vitro by the addition of specific inductive media. However, the ability of these or other adipose-tissue-associated cells to respond to `natural’ myogenic cues such as a myogenic environment has never been investigated in detail. Here, we provide evidence that a restricted subpopulation of freshly harvested adipose-tissue-derived cells possesses an intrinsic myogenic potential and can spontaneously differentiate into skeletal muscle. Conversion of adipose-tissue-derived cells to a myogenic phenotype is enhanced by co-culture with primary myoblasts in the absence of cell contact and is maximal when the two cell types are co-cultured in the same plate. Conversely, in vitro expanded adipose-tissuederived mesenchymal stem cells require direct contact with muscle cells to generate skeletal myotubes. Finally, we show that uncultured adipose-tissue-associated cells have a high regenerative capacity in vivo since they can be incorporated into muscle fibers following ischemia and can restore significantly dystrophin expression in mdx mice.